Horse World


Two Great Events, One Amazing Weekend!
Coming to the PA Farm Show Complex March 2-5!
Welcome Back!!!! Celebrating 20 years!

Family Friendly Entertainment, Learning Opportunities and Incredible Shopping
Get in out of the cold; all activities are indoors and heated



Thur. Noon - 8pm
Fri. 10am - 8 pm
Sat. 9am - 8pm
Sun. 9am - 5pm

March 2-5, 2023
th Annual Horse World Expo
Farm Show Complex - Harrisburg, PA
Use Cameron Street Entrance Only

Horse World Expo and Theatre Equus returns to the Farm Show Complex!

You Know You Want To GO!!!  Get out of the house, get ready for the spring riding season.  Hot training and showing tips from the experts will inspired you to brush off the winter woolies and get ready to ride. With over 160 hours of clinics, demonstrations and lectures, you're sure to go home with some great new ideas. Spruce up your barn, your tack room and your closet while shopping at over 500 booths of horse related products and services. Meet up with friends or spend the day with family enjoying some time out and about, making memories and and being immersed in everything horse!

Be sure to LIKE AND FOLLOW us on Facebook or @horseworldexpo on Instagram!  Watch for great giveaways & contests featuring prizes and tickets available only through Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you share and invite your friends too!

CLICK HERE for the full Schedule of Events

Visit http://www.horseworldexpo.com/pa-show/ for more information.

Vendors - a limited number of booths are  available at Horse World Expo -


Daily Admission
Adult:  $17.00
Ages 6-12: $7.00
Under 6:  FREE
The Farm Show Complex charges $10 daily parking


Are you ready to be thrilled
Are you ready to have fun?  
Are you ready to fall in love with the beauty of the horse?
Then you are ready for Theatre Equus!

For more information, CLICK HERE

Featuring the Return of Guy McLean
 & a BRAND NEW show for 2023
Friday March 4 & Saturday March 5 starting at 8:30pm
Farm Show Complex Large Arena

Admission ticket:  $17, $21, $23, $29

BUY TICKETS now for best seating, choose your own seats, print your tickets immediately, all reserved seating for this event.

Don't miss these exciting events!
www.horseworldexpo.com for more info

We would like to thank the sponsors of the 2023 Horse World Expo

Show Sponsors:
ProFence LLC ~ KB Equine
Fair Hill Saddlery
 The Treasured Horse

Contributing Sponsors:
Staggering Unicorn Winery ~ Stockyard Style
Flex Boots USA ~ Wilson College ~ Total Feeds

Show Site Advertising Sponsors:
Horizon Structures
 Farmer's Cooperative

Official Show Program
East Coast Equestrian

Contact our sponsors for great show prices

Unsubscribe from this list by replying to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

If you are unable to view this email, please CLICK HERE
 Our mailing address is:
 Equestrian Promotions, Inc.
 P.O. Box 924
 Bel Air, MD  21014

Show address is:
2300 N. Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA  17110
Use the Cameron Street Entrance only
 Our telephone:
 301-916-0853 (Fax)
 Our Website is:
 Our Email Address:

 Copyright (C) 2023 *|Equestrian Promotions, Inc|* All rights reserved. 

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