CT Farm Bureau

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Understanding PA 490 Webinar
Reduced Property Taxes for Farmland, Forestland & Open Space

Understanding PA 490 Webinar
Introduction to Land as Your Legacy Farm Estate Planning
Thursday, October 12, 2023
6:00PM - 9:00PM
Live Videoconference
Joan Nichols, Executive Director, CFBA
Henry Mondschein, Land-As-Your Legacy Advisor
Are you interested in reducing your property taxes? Enrollment in Connecticut’s Public Act 490 (PA 490) program allows open space, farmland and forests to be taxed at a lower rate.
PA 490 is the premier program to help our state maintain working farmland, forestland and open space land but it is complex. Since PA 490 was enacted, The Connecticut Farm Bureau Association (CFBA) has become the trusted resource for municipalities and landowners when it comes to understanding how the program works,” says Joan Nichols, CFBA's Executive Director.
The program will provide an overview of PA 490, explain how land is classified and assessed under the program, describe the PA 490 land application process, as well as tips for maintaining the PA 490 classification. Time is allocated for questions and answers.
Attendance is especially recommended for anyone wanting to understand how land transfers and estate planning impact PA 490 land classification.
All registrants will receive a complimentary copy of CFBA's Guide to Connecticut's PA490.
This program is designed for farmers, landowners, tax assessors, government officials, municipal planners & forestry professionals.
Seminar Fees for CFBA Members
CFBA Standard Members - Free
CFBA Limited Members - $20
CFBA Associate & Friend of Ag Members - $40
Seminar Fees for Non Members
Non members - $40
Special Offer for non members and Limited members
Become a CFBA Standard member for $200 today and the PA 490 program is free! Upgrade from a Limited member to Standard level and the PA 490 program for free!
Call 860-768-1100 or email roxannl@cfba.org to join or upgrade.
Continuing Education Credits Available
1 CEU Certified Forest Practitioners - CT DEEP
The program will not be recorded. If you are unsure of your membership status, please email roxannl@cfba.org or call 860-768-1100.
Benefits and Risks of Adding Agritourism to Your Farm or Ranch
Agritourism is a great way to capitalize on the natural draw of your landscape, connect non-farm families to agriculture and create new revenue streams for your operation. But these benefits are not without risk. 
Finding the right agritourism for operation
Adding a new agritourism venture to your operation starts by answering a simple question: What will work best? Consider the following:
  • Your land, what you raise and any other resources that could contribute to a new attraction
  • The time and money you can invest in an agritourism venture
  • Potential hazards to visitors, the liability they create for you and how you’ll mitigate the risks and keep people safe
It doesn’t always have to be a large venture that requires a lot of resources,” said Barb Neal, Cornell Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent and Horticulture Educator in Tioga County, New York. “Everybody has a specialty, so it’s just a matter of finding what will require the right amount of time and investment.”
Open this link to read the full article.
Connecticut Farm Bureau Association